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Dual Processing

In order for us to access a memory a retrieval path in our brain must be activated. Are brains are structured so various different stimulis can work together to activate the correct memory path. This leads to the theory of dual processing which states that imagery, paired with language, improves memory of a subject because is creates more retrieval opportunities. 

color wheel.png


The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. Think about them as if you were using paints. 

These are colors that cannot bee created by combining two other colors 


Secondary colors, on the other had, are 

the three (green, purple, orange) colors that

are formed by combining primary colors 


Tertiary colors are created when you mix a primary color with secondary color.

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Colors


Example of dual processing:


The inclusion of both text and imagery in this organized color wheel allows the viewer to better understand and remember the information presented. This is because....









When the brain codes information as words & images, more retrieval paths are created. This means it is easier for someone to remember or "retrieve" the information presented. 



Additionally, the brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text so the inclusion of images allows for the information to enter long term visual memory. Here, the images are stored in a piecemeal fashion to be regenerated at a later time.



The organization of the diagram also assists with memorization because order assists with the transition of information into long term memory. 



Finally, the repeated exposure to the information influences memory because memory is more primed to recall information if it is exposed for it multiple times. 


If information does not enter long term storage it will only be remembered temporarily. This is because it it is in working memory, which has a limited capacity compared to the almost unlimited capacity of long term storage. Information cannot be deeply processed in working memory so it must transition into long term memory. This is done through DUAL CODING





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